07 March, 2013
Everyone is talking about Cloud Computing, but what does it mean? Business applications are moving to the cloud. It’s not just a fad – the shift from traditional software models to the Internet has steadily gained momentum over the last 10 years.
28 February, 2013
The smart people outside the room is a group increasingly discussed around the world by the smart people in the room. The smarter the people in the room the more they discuss the smart people outside the room. It comes from concept that is now almost a new proverb. Imagine a group of smart people sitting in a room deciding or designing something, making a plan or product. "there are more smart people outside this room than inside it" In a very real and profound sense that is always true no matter how many people are in the room and how smart they are. The question is do we want to do anything about that fact?
28 February, 2013
When you buy a new mobile or super-duper Smartphone, is the first thing you look at what the specific absorption rate (SAR) is of the device you’re interesting in spending cash on? Me neither, but according to some health organizations, we should be paying attention to mobile phone radiation.
21 February, 2013
There were several types of prisoners. Those who committed crimes, were convicted in a trial, and went to jail.
21 February, 2013
For a long time, Facebook was the most dramatic, exciting company in Silicon Valley, if not in the world.
Facebook was a global phenomenon with users. It grew from a few thousand users at Harvard to a few million at college campuses around the country to more than a billion people in about five years.
14 February, 2013
You can learn a great deal about a culture by watching children play. There are places I have been where none of the games have any winners and losers, they are all just games for fun, other places emphacize the victors and the vanquished. Particularly among boys, winning and loosing gracefully is not the norm. The winner tends to act as if the win is an illustration and that justice has prevailed, that god or the order of the universe had been made manifest and that everybody else would be wise to bow down before the victor.
14 February, 2013
IF you ask the ‘Nationals’, the state idea of Georgia is entering NATO and EU. If you tell an American or a Frenchman that the NATO or the EU membership of their country is their national idea, their eyes will pop out of their head because any international alliance or organization is only an instrument to regulate economic, military or political challenges facing the country but not the ultimate aim of existence of the nation.
14 February, 2013
The main purpose of this article is to familiarize the reader with some widely used terms concerning mobile phone technology and hacking techniques, as well as security measures that one could take to protect the privacy of ones personal data stored in a mobile phone. It doesn’t matter whether it is Magticom, Geocell or Beeline Georgia mobile.
07 February, 2013
The current labor code was designed for employers and gives very few - almost no - rights to workers. The idea was that any rights to workers would be to the disadvantage of employers, and would discourage them from hiring.
07 February, 2013
Inspired by a line on a randomly seen cover of the novel The Gifts of Imperfection: ”Let go of who you think you are supposed to be and embrace who you are.”