Respecting Georgian traditions
17 October, 2013

Public representatives sent an open letter to Thomas Hammarberg, advisor to the Georgian Government in legal issues, In the letter published in “Kviris Palitra” newspaper they say the appeal is about the part of the report on human rights in Georgia by Hammarberg, where the human rights advocate speaks about the rights of propaganda of sexual perversity.
“First of all, we remind you that our society has been treating the representatives of religious and ethnic minorities with respect and tolerance for centuries, considering them equal to the extent that it never occurred to equal the homosexuals with others preaching sexual perversity. This novel ideological trick is totally unacceptable to us, no matter how hard they try to establish it in the West. We are sure that comparing people of sexual perversity with the religious and ethnic minorities, that was purposeful in the U.S. and western Europe in recent years, is an artificially created ideology, that has nothing to do with the multi-centuries old rule of life of human society”, the letter says.
The authors of the letter don’t agree with Hammarberg that marking international day against Homophobia is realization of rights and not so called propaganda.
“Any public activity is propaganda and is illogical to deny this. We want to remind you that on 17 May 2012, there was an attempt of similar protest outside public school No. 51, where the implementation of so called innocent rights turned into propaganda of perversity in front of children. You protect rights, while this is violation of parents and children’s’ rights, who consider shameful exhibition of immorality unacceptable. Nobody fights the followers of the perversity, who know that they sin, as according to our traditions, every person has to take care of their own conscience and morality. But this doesn’t mean that century-old rules of our society gives right to public propaganda of perversity”, the letter reads.
The authors of the letter call on Hammarberg to respect Georgian traditions.
“Your employer sent you to a traditional society for work. The rules of diplomacy request that you respect the traditions of the country where you are. On one of the tragic moments of the history of our country in Tbilisi, 100,000 people voluntarily gave their lives to protect Christian morality. Tbilisi residents consider these people saints and you teach a lesson to the residents of this town and a country about morality and you say that we also must have a right to express our viewpoint! We highlight the fact that you are entitled by us to freely express your opinion in our country, and we have the right to respond to your opinion.
The public representatives consider that Hammarberg and the West must not call on the fundamental remake of multi-century old rule of life of the Georgian society.
“17 May protest was a provocation directed to make destabilization and confrontation of our society. At the same place on Rustaveli Avenue, Saakashvili killed peaceful demonstrates on 26 May 2011. The bodies of the slaughtered citizens were hidden by the murderers on top of a shop nearby and a military parade was conducted in the morning there. Representatives of the EU states, who attended Mikheil Saakashvili’s military parade hundred meters from the corpses and didn’t express protest for violating the right to life of the people and brutally beating hundreds of people the previous night, this year immediately protected the propagandists of the immorality, where there have not been victims - thank God. What conclusions does our society have to make after this on the Western priorities regarding human rights in our country?” the letter asks.
“You’re saying that the Georgian church must clearly express that it’s against any violence against LGBT people. We are surprised that you force us to remind you that the head of the Georgian church, his holiness and beatitude, Patriarch Ilia the Second declared the same day that church is against violence.
The letter says that unfairly picturing the role of church based on the purposefully made TV reports of one of two clergy men’s misbehavior is surprising.
“Any attempt from the West to pressure our church is unacceptable to us, to the non-church goers, common citizens. Propaganda of perversity is unacceptable considering the demography too. In such terms, propaganda of anti-family immorality is totally destructive to our nation that introduces new abbreviations from year to year by the ideology that you support. Which one do we have to follow, Mr. Hammarbarg, or will there be other abbreviations offered by the West in addition to the four-letter supporting the perversity? Isn’t there a political fight underway for legalization of sex with children under the flag of human rights? Let us decide ourselves what is respectful for us and in many things exemplary in the West and what is unacceptable. If a friendship is not just a word for you, then you have to believe in its fundamental properties – equality of friends. This means that you too should be willing to learn something from us or be reminded”, the letter reads.
The open letter was published in “Kviris Palitra” newspaper and it is signed by the poet Rezo Amashukeli, writer Chabua Amirejibi, chess champion Nona Gaprindashvili, businessman Levan Vasadze, Choreographer Pridon Sulaberidze, film director Goga Khaindrava and others.