Tbileasy for Expats from IWA
03 October, 2013

“We published the new edition with updated information. This is a guide that will help find a place for example to do shopping for baby food, or find things you need,” Martha Ferrer Lubeck, President of the Association told Georgian Journal.
Q. What is the aim of your organization?
Martha Ferrer Lubeck: “The International Women’s Association of Georgia started in 1996. Now we are celebrating the 17th anniversary. Our aim is to bring together expat women from various countries including Georgia. In many capitals of the world there are IWAs and the aim is to create a common place for the people to meet up. We have one monthly meeting in a hotel – this year we do it in Sheraton. Here we discuss what we are doing as the organization. Also we have coffee mornings every Wednesday. There are interest groups too: some love crafts, some play cards, some just talk Georgian, Russian, Turkish, English and etc. Every December we have Christmas exhibition for fundraising and this money goes to poor people in Georgia. We have it on spring time too but this is small one. This is IWA shortly.
Q. Why only women?
A. Because this association is for women who followed their husbands to Georgia. Some of them don’t work. But I have to say that up to 25% of our members are Georgians because this is an international organization and we want as many people as possible. If one wants to become a member of our association, she has to go to our web-site at www.iwa.ge and fill the online application for membership. Also you will see there the contact information. There is a fee to be paid every year. By then, you are the member of the association.
The 2013 Tbileasy Guidebook was designed by Alexandra Schneider. Contributors of the present edition are Bridie Brennan, Marielle Carmagnolle, Gokcen Coskun, Kim Gardner, Medea Gvaberidze, Shorena Khubutia and etc.
Marta Ferrer Lubeck: “We hired Georgian students. They helped us to check and update every phone number which is in the guidebook.”
Gabi Schoch, corresponding secretary of IWA: “This is a wonderful book for newcomers and even if you’ve been here for many years, you can still find a lot of new things in it.”