24 October, 2013

According to Prosecutor’s Office, a new version of ex-Premier Zurab Zhvania’s death was outlined – he wasn’t a victim of an accident. We became aware of the full version of the FBI conclusion. It says the gas heater was operational. We spoke about it with Khatuna Khoperia, a team member of the former PM, and Goga Zhvania, Zurab Zhvania’s brother.
Q. – There is information that Prosecutor’s Office is requesting exhumation of Zurab Zhvania’s and Raul Yusupov’s bodies.
Khatuna Khoperia: - It’s to be decided by his family. But I know that on the top of Zura’s head there was a rather deep scar… Professional experts can give information about this issue.
Q. – Saakashvili made comments on new details of the Zhvania’s case. According to him, the FBI conclusion wasn’t fully published because there were such nuances that couldn’t be made public.
K.K. – Saakashvili is an adventurer, liar and state criminal! I’d like to address him through your paper: “Misha, get ready for trial; the Zurab Zhvania’s assassination will by all means finish you!” Nobody asked Saakashvili why he hadn’t familiarized them with the full version of the FBI conclusion. They are specifically arguing about the statement that Zura couldn’t have been poisoned, killed by gas. This fragment was falsified and incorrectly translated into Georgian.
Q. – Yes but is there anything in the full version of the conclusion that would defile Zurab Zhvania’s name?
K.K. – Stirring up the issue of the Zurab Zhvania’s death is profitable for National Movement and namely Saakashvili. They want to attach the status of political bargaining to the case of Zhvania’s assassination.
Q. – Were you ready to cooperate with Prosecutor’s Office and give information with regard to the Zhvania’s case?
K.K. – Yes. They interrogated the businessman who was threatened that he would be strangled just like Zurab Zhvania. I’m not going to name this businessman yet. I have a question to investigation: when Zhvania’s close friend Gia Baramidze was informed that the PM was dead, he drove to the place of accident. At that time somebody called him on the phone and said that PM had an accident and he had to go to the place urgently. He was made to change the course, not allowing him to go to the place of accident too early. I wonder what happened to President the night when Zhvania died and who called Baramidze?
Gogla Zhvania: - That awesome morning Baramidze participated in formalizing Zura’s assassination. … Several people were there, including Saakashvili, Zurab Adeishvili, Vano Marebishvili, Baramidze; they discussed the objects to be taken and placed there.
Q. – Will the Zurab Zhvania’s family agree to exhumation?
G.Zh. – We’ll agree if it’s necessary for investigation purposes. Prosecutor’s Office declares that they are considering another version of death, i.e. it isn’t an accident. This declaration is based upon new materials and evidences.
Q. – How would you assess the President’s declaration?
G.Zh. – Not everything is written in the FBI conclusions the way Saakashvili would have loved to. Saakashvili knows pretty well about his crime. At least two crimes can be singled out here. The first – he covered the assassins; the second –whatever he’s allegedly trying to point to delicately now, those filthy gossips were spread before by his special services. Today the Saakashvili’s milieu is decreased and he has to spread this filth himself. He will stand accountable to this too. And besides, investigation will reveal what other questions he will have to answer. I repeat – there are solid proofs in this case. I’m sure it will come to light soon.
We contacted Giorgi Baramidze too. He confined himself to a short comment: - I’ve made more than one comment with regard to this issue and am not going to do it again. … Now I’m addressing only the Prosecutor’s Office: stop the blah-blah and table the facts to the public! It isn’t clear why this issue is stressed exactly before the elections; Prosecutor’s Office promised that the case would be solved very quickly. Where have they been earlier?!
P.S. Chief Prosecutor Archil Kbilashvili only confirms that new circumstances have been outlined and the new version is also considered. Intensive investigative steps are being undertaken… Let’s wait for the events to unfold. Every person, including Ms. Natela Modebadze, has been interrogated. … This case will be solved for certain and everybody will know the whole truth,” declares Kbilashvili. As for the witness Natela Modebadze, she asserts that at that night, on 2 February 2005, she saw how two bodies were brought by four-five men to Saburtalo Str. Besides, after the tragedy it was said for a long time that one shoe of deceased Yusupov wasn’t found at the place of the accident. But now another picture comes into view. By releasing the scandalous information, Prosecutor’s Office opened the material evidence box and Yusupov’s both shoes and clothes were there. Prosecutor’s Office abstains from revealing the details that were discovered after studying the material proofs.