Georgian and Russian journalists in Richard Lugar lab
06 August, 2013

Russian reporters were delighted with the exhaustive answers that the leadership of the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia gave them. In particular, a reporter of the TV channel "Russia" Alexander Rogatkin commented about the topic. "You know that the Russian Foreign Ministry expressed concern about the creation with US financing of the biological laboratories in the areas bordering with Russia, in particular, the former republics of the Soviet Union. We have asked the management of the laboratory to prepare a report. To our surprise, we were told that we can come to Georgia and see everything with our own eyes, that there are no secrets. The Russian Foreign Ministry there has no reason for concern, as biological weapons are not produced there. The laboratory management openly answered all our questions. In addition, we got answers from the Georgian side to the questions posed mostly by Gennady Onishchenko. We are excited by what we saw, " Alexander Rogatkin said.