17 October, 2013
Georgia is a republic – socialist, presidential or parliamentary – whatever! Georgia is a democracy – unreal, partial or transitional – who cares! Georgia is a state – ancient, modern or futuristic – why to bother? Georgia is a territory – whole, split or undefined – when to get a clue? Georgia is a terra firma – steady, tremulous or shaky – where to get the idea?
10 October, 2013
A couple of days ago I was asked to make a translation of the Law on Agricultural Cooperatives from Georgian into English, which was meant to be sent out to the International Cooperative Alliance for comments thereof. I am chronically short of time but I agreed to do the job because I am interested in matters concerning the global cooperative movement in general and a chance for this movement to be developed here in Georgia, in particular.
03 October, 2013
Isn’t Russia an interesting country? It has everything – vast lands, deep waters, rich minerals, great vodkas, the precious darling of the nation Putin, and guess what! A newly created movable border with Georgia! This is a cute little, but a very funny border. It can move back and forth anytime the brave Russian soldiers are given a chance to play with it.
26 September, 2013
Nations, groups of people, families and individuals – all those categories have their own strong and weak points. The strong points are helping them to survive and the weak ones are in there way to success. Isn’t this patently obvious? So it is absolutely natural that we are all trying to develop our strong points and get rid of the weak ones if we have any. If otherwise, then we are certainly out of our mind.
19 September, 2013
By existent popular definition, Political Media are communication vehicles owned, ruled, managed, or otherwise influenced by political entities, meant to propagate views of the related entity. By this particular definition our national media is absolutely political.
12 September, 2013
The subject I am embarking on today is not exactly my regular bread and butter, and I am sure I will consequently be barraged with indignant questions and cynical comments for my brash attempt of stealing the show from those who know better in the field. So much for those sugary apologies!
Let us now start with a little innocent but straightforward question: why can’t this heavenly land of good people and rich nature provide for wellbeing of only three to four million people we actually are, so that all of us here feel happy and sated? My personal grass-root-based answer is: our economic ignorance plus our unbridled infatuation with obfuscated political dealings and embittered account settlings.
05 September, 2013
Is life fun with cell phones? Yes! Are we better connected now than ever before? No doubt! Do we need our pocket communication machines to survive more easily than in the past? We certainly do! And yet, is there something wrong with the universal walkie-talkie webbing? I should say so! And what would be that? Time! The wasted time on unnecessary blabber and texting, especially among the young! They say one in ten children in Great Britain has the mobile by the age of five. Imagine what’s happening in higher age groups!
01 August, 2013
Last week, I started giving these hints and tips to my foreign friends and the tourists and my compatriots too because I don’t want them to be overly surprised and embarrassed when they inevitably come across those habits of ours while they have to do with this culture (look for the first 10 tips in previous issue):
25 July, 2013
This one is a kiss-off piece of mine for the time being, but it will be continued in the next issue of GJ. Not enough room in one article! I would love to remind those who are from various foreign countries, either visiting or working in Georgia in certain missions or browsing the Internet in pursuit of some information about Georgia, that we Georgians have many funny habits which they need to take into consideration while they have to do with this nation. Some of those habits are so nasty that I am starting hating myself when I imagine them being part of my manners and character. By the way, these tongue-in-cheek, but seriously intended hints and tips need to be heeded by my wonderful compatriots too. So, heads up, my friends!
18 July, 2013
Main direction of contemporary man’s thought and the most optimal model of modern human behavior would probably be compatible with our shared and mutual happiness in a small place like our good old earth, but we do not exactly know what that shared and mutual happiness could mean in actuality. By the most educated presumption, human happiness might have more components and prerequisites than we can possibly imagine, but some of those ingredients are clearly salient – good health, freedom, independence, strong chance of survival, elevated standard of living, peace, longevity, rich and happy household, the self-expression opportunity, talent put into practice, ability to travel and see the world, power of positive influence on the surrounding reality, etc. How about membership of a nation in NATO and the European Union? Could that serve as a reason for human happiness of an average national?
11 July, 2013
If wrong is done, it should be punished because justice is justice is justice. As Teddy Roosevelt had once put it, ‘no man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it’. I wish these golden words were true in Georgia. The secret of our future success and prosperity might very well be buried in the depths of this simple but eternal wisdom. You see, Americans have achieved the inculcation of this irrefutable truth in their society’s everyday life. To a considerable extent, though! Why can’t we do the same thing in this country? The answer to this question might need volumes to be fully written up. Alas, the political and juridical tradition in Georgia does not allow the chance.
04 July, 2013
I like it when things look and sound funny because the things which look and sound funny entertain me greatly. The other day, one of my routine errands to run real quick was purchasing a couple of kitchen utensils which would take care of my cat’s gastro-intestinal well-being. I could have bought the desired gear somewhere in town, but I had decided in favor of shopping out of town, just for a change – who knows what other useful trinkets I could come across while shopping in a big place like the Lilo Mall, a couple of kilometers away to the East form the Tbilisi International Airport.
27 June, 2013
Georgia is presently caught between hammer and anvil. Hammer would be the doubting West (Europe & America) and anvil is the long-cherished truth, pursued by this Nation. Hopefully, the space between them is narrowing – at a nerve-wracking measured pace though. The recent change of hands in government, as painful as it usually is here, has triggered the whole series of arrests in the country, which as a matter of fact is nothing unexpected or unusual either. And the history as well as the modern world abounds with analogies of the sort. The previous Georgian government which was nursed, matured and made active in compliance with lofty Western ideals was certainly perceived by the world as a ‘beacon of democracy’.
20 June, 2013
They say that Georgia’s capital city Tbilisi is an elegant conurbation. Would it not be fairer to say as much as it only having a chance to be elegant? Ancient town with beautiful landscape, fairy-tale-kind-of looks by night, river flowing right through it, hills around, and all that sort of thing... but behold - what weird eclecticism in style! Tbilisi is nothing terribly outstanding, speaking architecturally – a couple of attractive avenues aligned with more or less eye-catching and curious buildings with a history of no more than a couple of hundred years, several older shrines of various denominations and mostly, the soviet-type residential buildings, strewn around in the ugliest possible way all over the place.
13 June, 2013
Wars never end! Nothing is helping – previous experience, current deterrents, future catastrophes – nothing! In the modern era of nanotechnologies, quantum mechanics, universal cellular communication and internet unification man remains the same bloodthirsty warmonger it has always been. Instruments change – attitudes don’t! We go to wars even if we think that this might be stupid, even if we know in advance that the result could be deplorably futile, even if we are sure that the sacrifice will not be worth it. Georgia has its troops in international anti-terrorist missions, which means that Georgia is at war somewhere with somebody.