Strange as it might sound, the long years of my life have failed to teach me what this feeling and performance thereupon means exactly. I have certainly been through many of them over the crossroads of my overwrought existence – some dead and gone forever and some still lingering on as they can.
I often hear – and I hate it – that we can’t do anything about Russia because she is big and strong, and she will always have her way. Folks, I can hardly take this nonsense seriously.
Have you ever come across any definition of love which happens to be in total agreement with your perception and your concept of this unspeakable human sensation? I have not!
Don’t we all come to this world with certain innate faculties which tend to develop as we mature? Unless of course we intentionally obstruct the development of our talents or circumstantially lose a chance to develop them at all!
Sex education is important! I know that nobody else could have uttered a piece of wisdom as valuable as this one except me because I am used to throwing up invaluable pearls like that.
September is the KIDS-BACK-TO-SCHOOL MONTH all over the world. According to the simplest definition, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another.
There we go again! The super-expensive British royal wedding hardly off our minds, we now have the exhibition of the happily married Cinderella’s wedding accessories – not every single piece of course, thank God.
No names! No titles! No personal credits! No specific examples! Just overall reasoning around the theme! This editorial is about the Georgian intellectual power in aggregate, functioning out of this country.
Let us recognize without a fear of lying that a lie is natural condition for man, used as a tool of survival. We all lie when we need to, or have to, especially if we can get away with it. People lie anywhere in the world.
The Soviet Union was a strong nuclear power with fragile economy and warped human mind. It could not have survived the way it was. The demise was inevitable, and the consequences were expected to have a tremendous effect on the lives of hundreds of millions of people.