Citruses support health immune system and reduce cancer risk, reduce anemia, prevent osteoporosis, and asthma. Orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime and tangerine – all of them might be broken up into two categories: bitter or sweet. So, when buying them, you have to be careful to please your pallet. In the 9th century citruses were introduced into Europe, and after that it spread all over the world. Today, citrus fruit is one of the most consumed kinds of a fruit on the planet.
Oranges contain lots of good things that are very useful for human organism. Let us forget about interpreting those outlandish scientific terms. Just trust me that they are good!
Orange is the best citrus source of vitamin C. One medium orange has about 70 milligrams of vitamin C, that’s nearly enough to our basic daily needs. A cup of citrus juice has more vitamin C than a piece of whole fruit, because it is concentrated. But it is also higher in sugar and calorie amounts. A glass of orange or grapefruit juice is a good way to start a day. But doctors say that it is better to eat whole fruit, which has less effect on blood sugar and is more filling. There is some evidence that orange juice and lemonade may reduce the risk of certain kinds of stone in the kidney by boosting citrate levels in the urine. However, grapefruit juice may increase the risk of stones in the kidney. So follow your doctor’s advice before you consume it in excessive quantities.
Lemons contain flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Lemon juice is very alkaline and balances acidic pH within the body. Lemons are extremely high in concentrations of vitamin C - one medium lemon contains 77 milligrams – that enhance the strength of the immune system, fight illness and reduce inflammation.
Lime helps to digest the food completely and quickly, preventing fermentation and toxic buildup. Lime has also shown success in reducing nausea when a piece of lime, with the skin, is chewed on and swallowed.
Tangerines are very low - 53 calories/100 g – In calories. They are very beneficial to the immune system as well as adrenal glands. Studies have also proven and shown that consuming tangerines, oranges, and the juice from these two fruits is extremely effective in protecting at-risk people against cancer and helps in fighting viral infections that may attack the body. This is because the pectin in these fruits contains properties similar to the pectin found in grapefruit. Pectin has been found to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels. This makes tangerines and oranges a great alternative to grapefruits. So people can either mix their diets or if they do not like grape-fruit, then the tangerine fruit and oranges is the next best option.
You just don’t want to go without citruses for long – you have to live with them. And the good news is that they are not terribly unaffordable too.