Georgian Women’s Rule
07 March, 2013

Following is the result of my extensive and long-suffered observation of male and female behavior in this country and their interaction, saying nothing about my having been born and grown into a full-size man here. My past and current pedagogical and didactic experience could also help to make a curious conclusion that might agitate a couple of philosophically balanced political minds of the nation. I have learnt from some good books that the main role of the thinking elite – the so called Intelligentsia – of the country should be striving for a moral and intellectual leadership of its people. The business folks are taking care of the economy and the social part of life is more or less self-regulated, using traditional values, current exigencies and some forecast towards the future. The general leadership for garnering better posterior living is totally in the hands of those intellectual elite. In the latest hundred years in Georgia, the elite I am talking about have been failing us the people on regular basis, talking much and doing very little. The leadership as such has annoyingly escaped their hands because their grip was to flimsy and self-serving. Not surprisingly, the majority of them have always been men, not women. Well, men are at the helm everywhere in this mismanaged world, and Georgia could not have been an exception. The rumor has it that the distaff side is little by little showing their teeth but they are still far from being at the top massively. We all know how deplorably men have handled the world – environment, education, healthcare, pecuniary life, politics, human rights, peace – yes, boys will be boys . . . Maybe it is time that the balance of power be preponderated in favor of girls. Why not let them try to do the job. Handy I have an example of the Georgian women. In recent difficult years, great many of them have successfully managed to take over the economic and ideological leadership in their families, having lately turned into genuine breadwinners; plenty of women have tried their talent in doing business, and they have done well; they are far better speakers with refined logic; they usually put their mouth where the truth is and are not afraid of being exposed; women rear their families, using their necks flexibly to wisely move their own heads and their husbands’ heads too; they make money and know much better how to spend it; they regulate social life; they fight when fight makes sense – not like our men who fight when fight is not needed at all; they do not whimper – they are always in action. And their daughters are truly taking after their moms, being much better at school than their male peers, and behaving more thoughtfully, giving more educated consideration to the future and showing much higher quality in every walk of life than the boys. If this is all true, why not give green light to their ladyships to grab the reigns and rule the country. I have a feeling in my prompting old bones that the change will pay.