Demographically Maladjusted
28 February, 2013

Nothing is happening without reason. I will focus my presumption on just one of them, leaving the rest in the hands of professional demographers. For a patriot, his/her nation’s demographic maladjustment is an excruciating headache both in heart and head. If we are really disappearing, then why does anything we do make sense? Why the fight for economic reforms and constitutional changes? Why the costly educational sweat? Why the vigorous construction efforts? Why the struggle for functional democracy and social fairness? Why the politics? Why the science? Why the sports? Why the culture? Why the faith? Why anything? Shouldn’t we as a nation rather concentrate on something more mundane and routinely ordinary? Think about this: there are a nauseating number of unconsummated male-female interactions in Georgia. There are a lot of unmarried women around who are in desperate need of settling down and having kids to rear, at least to have legally permissible sex to benefit their naturally yearning bodies. Asking them why they are out of wedlock or civil partnership, I usually hear – where are the men to marry or go out with? This half-quizzical half-sarcastic answer is carrying a very serious psychological and physiological charge. There certainly are men around — many of them eligible — but most of them are not of marrying type. And not-marrying-type they are for a reason. Insolvent, pitiable, deprived, disadvantaged, destitute and needy men are scared to marry as a rule because marriage is a backbreaking burden to carry, it is a responsibility to handle, it is a confinement to rules and regulations our men do not want to accept. Therefore, so many young, beautiful, eager and vigorous women in Georgia go single for quite a long time, often forever. Our men easily get nervous and misbalanced, frustrated in their own selves and quickly becoming angry with the world around. As a result, they carry themselves in many different directions, including crime, drugs, mysticism, religion and politics, trying to figure out where the niche might be, which will shelter them safely and comfortably. But this is not an issue today. The issue is what we are going to do for putting our act together. The only conclusion I am arriving at is preposterously simple: if our men and women do not marry extensively and unfailingly start making love without further procrastination there will never be enough progeny around for this nation to escape the exasperating demographic maladjustment, which is nothing but being unable to cope with the demands of a normal social environment. Folks, let us stop being ridiculous and drop everything we are now doing, and repair to demographically well-adjusted, tried-and-tested good old atavistic ways, forgetting about better economic times, elevated standard of living, high-flown intellectual discussions, fruitless facebooking and our habitually vain palaver. Otherwise we will drop dead!