Long Live a Vegetable!
18 April, 2013

Vegetables have no cholesterol (when eaten without a sauce)
Vegetables contain potassium, that helps lower blood pressure
Vegetables are rich in vitamins A, C and E that keep your eyes and skin healthy, provide essential fatty acids and help heal cuts and wounds as well as helping iron absorption
Vegetables contain folic acid that is an essential part in red blood cell formation.
Vegetables add color to our meal and make it visually far more agreeable than without them. Different color vegetables provide varying amounts of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients (natural chemicals protecting plants from germs, fungi and bugs) that provide unique health benefits. Vegetables are so low in calories that it is very difficult to gain weight even if you overfeed yourself with them.
When cooking vegetables, careful cooks and eaters try to steam, microwave or poach rather than boil them. These methods do not involve immersing them in water, so the maximum amount of nutrients can be retained as well as their fresh taste. The phytonutrients in cruciferous (plants of the cabbage family) vegetables like broccoli, and in-root vegetables like onion and garlic, are unique when it comes to decreased risk of certain cancers .
Vegetables offer some vitamins, but your body will be able to absorb these only if you add some fat, such as butter or olive oil to the cooked veggies.
And most importantly, there is no better food than vegetables for improving our digestion which is made not only easy that way but very friendly too, ‘friendly’ in this case meaning achieving a relaxed movement of bowels.
Believe it or not, eating vegetables can make you look more attractive within two months! Yes, no exaggeration whatsoever! The enhanced but still moderate consumption of vegetables makes us look much more satisfactory. After all, we all need to be good lookers, don’t we? So, go ahead and be friendly with the vegetable world – Hollywood might be in store for you some day. Seriously! Would you ever imagine that a simple vegetable could do that kind of a good job? You’d better now!