New Concept for Reservist Service
11 April, 2013

The United HQ of the Georgian Armed Forces has already refined and submitted to the Defence Ministry a new project of reservist service, which calls for the creation of three reserve types.
The first type will be a combatant reserve, made up of former contract and conscript service men. This type of reserve will be tied to specific squadrons and receive annual trainings from officers of these units. The combatant reserve is expected to compensate up to 40% of military losses in their respective squandrons during wars.
The second and third types of reserves will be named territorial and civil reserves respectively. Their training will be a job of national guards. By the name of it, the territorial reserves will be formed on the basis of territorial belonging of reservists mainly because locals are more aware of their places of origin. As for the civil reserves, its main purpose will be evacuation of civilians from areas of natural and man-made disasters and mitigation of their consequences. Use of reservists trained for earthquakes, floods and industrial catastrophes would not be pointless. In the same way, they can be utilized in the support area, e.g. for lining roads with anti-tank obstructions.
The Defence Ministry says that according to their calculations, training of one reservist may cost 22 Lari pert day including armament and equipment. It does not seem so large an amount as such but would count towards dozens of millions if multiplied for thousands of reservists. Assumably, it is these organizational and financial predicaments that made the Authorities to postpone revamped reservist call-up plans for the next year.